Over the years, research has revealed that yoga is beneficial in stress reduction, weight loss, and increased\r\nfitness. Yoga has also been found to be valuable in the treatment and prevention of numerous medical conditions\r\nincluding diabetes, obesity, depression and cardiovascular disease.In fact, yoga fosters a lifestyle that promotes\r\nbetter heart function, through a holistic health approach developing the mind-body relationship. Recently, studies\r\nhave confirmed that the regular practice of yoga has been beneficial in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular\r\ndisease and conditions such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, and some arrhythmias. In light of these\r\nfindings, yoga has gained popularity in the medical field, including with physicians that specialize in the fields of\r\ncardiology and neurology. Improving our understanding of the interactions between the brain and the cardiovascular\r\nsystem has paved a way in unlocking the connection of mind body control. This article summarizes the current role\r\nof yoga in treating cardiovascular conditions.